Asbestos Notification

The inspection and management plan for Asbestos - Containing - Building- Materials (ACBM) required by Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) has been performed fo this school. The management plan has been submitted to the state for review and approval. A copy is on file at the school office and is available for public inspection upon reasonable notice. If desired, a copy of the plan may be obtained upon payment of the reproduction cost (Federal Law 40 CFR 763.93).

School Maintenance

In order to keep costs down, the school board has decided not to hire a janitor. Please consider volunteering for one or more weekly time slots to help maintain the building. The school's cleaning requires about an hour, two nights a week and two hours on Sunday. Tasks include sweeping and mopping the floor, cleaning the bathrooms and kitchenette, vacuuming and emptying the trash.